Webinar Registration
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HCS workshops are available online as webinars. You may also access them by telephone. Please check this site regularly for weekly updates. Choose English or Spanish below:
Participating in Zoom Webinars
How to set up Zoom:
- Download the Zoom App on the device that you plan to use for the webinar.
- Tablets, laptops, and desktop computers will provide the best experience.
- Be aware that many features used by HCS are not supported in the web browser version of Zoom and that not downloading the App will negatively impact your experience. Do not let this stop you from participating… (see the next bullet)
- If you have limited internet access or data, and have registered for a webinar in advance you can participate by phone by calling in to listen to audio only. In this case, please follow up with the HCS Training Department as soon as possible in order to confirm your attendance.
- We can be reached at training@housingetc.org or 202-667-7606.
How to join:
- Follow the unique link in your confirmation email or the reminder email sent through Zoom.
- Do not join by inputting the Webinar ID and Password in Zoom.
How to show participation:
- Join the webinar no later than 15 minutes after its start time,
- Remain connected for the full duration,
- Participate in all review questions, and
- Participate in the final quiz.
- Certificates (for Pre-Purchase and Inclusionary Zoning Orientation only) will only be issued to those who are shown to be fully participating.
Webinars are Described Below:
Inclusionary Zoning Program Participants – Please note: The 2-hour Pre-Purchase Orientations listed do not by themselves meet the requirements of the DC Inclusionary Zoning Program for home buyers.
Individuals who wish to participate in the Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) Program should first participate in the Inclusionary Zoning Orientation. After you receive your IZ Orientation certificate you then need to register for the program through the DC Department of Housing and Community Development’s (DHCD) Inclusionary Zoning web page at DHCD.DC.ORG. In order to register you will first need to determine if you are applying for IZ rental or IZ homeownership and participate in the required training.
* IZ RENTAL UNITS: In order to be registered for IZ RENTAL properties you must provide proof that you participated in an Inclusionary Zoning Orientation (IZO).
* IZ PURCHASE UNITS: If you wish to register to PURCHASE an IZ property, DHCD requires that you provide verification that you have attended an Inclusionary Zoning Orientation (IZO) AND that you graduated from an 8-hour Home Buyer Education Course by a DHCD approved community based organization.
To participate in an Inclusionary Zoning Orientation (IZO) conducted by HCS: please sign up on this website or by calling 202-667-7606 to register.
To participate in the 8-hour Home Buyer Education Course conducted by HCS, please register on this website.
If you have questions or if you want to reserve a seat for the IZO or the 8-hour Home Buyer Education Course, please call the HCS Training Department at 202-667-7606.
[Please Note: the process for registering for the IZO and 8-hour Home Buyer Education Course may differ at each DHCD approved Community Based Organization (CBO). The process described here is for those people working with Housing Counseling Services, which is a DHCD approved CBO. You may reach out to the other DHCD approved CBOs to learn their process for scheduling the required training classes.]
Foreclosure Prevention Webinar / Clínica de prevención de embargo hipotecario
Learn about the steps to take when facing mortgage or condo fee delinquency, how to avoid foreclosure and learn what counseling can do to help save your home. / Aprenda sobre los pasos a tomar cuando se a atrasado en sus pagos hipotecarios, como evitar una ejecución hipotecaria y aprenda sobre como la consejería le puede ayudar a salvar su propiedad.
Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) Orientation / Orientación de Zonificación Inclusiva
(Click Here to download the PowerPoint slides for this orientation)
Required for those seeking to buy or rent a home through the DC Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) program. Subjects covered include IZ eligibility guidelines and requirements; the lottery process; and IZ buyer / renter certification process (See additional details in the gray information box below). / Requerido para aquellos que buscan comprar o alquilar un hogar por el programa Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) de Washington, DC. Los temas cubiertos incluyen las reglas generales y requisitos de elegibilidad de IZ; el proceso de lotería; y proceso de certificación para comprador / arrendatario IZ.
Money Matters / Financial Literacy Webinar
El dinero importa / Dinero y crédito
Learn what you need to know about credit reports; how to improve your credit; how to design budgets and much more. / Aprenda sobre como leer su reporte de crédito, como mejorar su crédito, como hacer un presupuesto y mucho más.
Pre-Purchase Orientation For First-Time Homebuyers / Orientación para compradores de primera vez
(Click Here to download the PowerPoint slides for this webinar)
Learn about the home purchase process; how to prepare for a loan application; DC loan programs (HPAP / EAHP / First Responders) and avoiding housing discrimination. / Aprenda sobre el proceso de la compra de casa; información de cómo prepararse para la solicitud del préstamo; programas del Distrito (HPAP / EAHP / First Responders).
Rental Housing Search Webinar / Clínica de búsqueda de vivienda
(Click Here to download the PowerPoint slides for this webinar)
Learn about resources to assist you in your housing search. Sorry, HCS does not have rental apartments to match you with and we do not help you with your actual search, but we will provide you with resources to assist in your search. / Aprenda sobre los recursos disponibles para ayudarle con su búsqueda de apartamento. Lo sentimos pero HCS no tieneningún apartamento de alquiler, pero po-demos darle recursos para ayudarle consu búsqueda de vivienda.
Single Family Residential Rehabilitation Program Webinar / Consejos prácticos de Rehabilitación de vivienda
Learn about the SFRRP program from application start to loan closing and details about all documentation required to complete an SFRRP application. / Aprenda sobre el programa de SFRRP desde la aplicación hasta el cierre del préstamo y detalles sobre todos los documentos necesarios para completar la aplicación.
Student Loan Management
This webinar is presented by the DC Student Loan Ombudsman of the DC Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking (DISB). During the webinar the ombudsman provides information to help student loan borrowers better understand student loans and make informed decisions regarding student loan repayment.
Tenant Rights and Resources Webinar / Derechos y recursos de inquilinos
Learn about your rights as a tenant; identifying housing discrimination; financial resources; how to get repairs made; what to do if you receive an eviction notice; finding a rental home; what landlords look for in a tenant and much more. / Aprenda sobre cuáles son mis derechos cómo inquilino; cómo logro que me hagan reparaciones en mi vivienda; qué hago si recibo una orden de desalojo; como buscar una nueva vivienda para alquilar; que busca un propietario en un inquilino y mucho mas.